“Sons Of The Light”
by Sky Sunlight Saxon Universal Stars Peace Band
1984 song
"Sons Of The Light" concludes Side 2 of Sky Saxon’s 1984 album Masters Of Psychedelia. The distantly psychedelic jam was recorded around 1977 by Fire, Water, Air during the sessions that produced their 8-track tape release Golden Sunrise. "Sons Of The Light" is a continuation (i.e., a later part of the same performance) of the LP’s previous track "Paradise". Both are sparse and unnerving psychedelia.
The guitar builds up layers of raunchy riffs and then lets them quiet down again, like a volcano that can’t decide whether or not to erupt. Over these funky rumblings, Sky’s helium-god voice wails high and free, imparting the moods and experiences that must have felt deadly serious at the time but whose meaning is, uh, hard to discern as a listener. That doesn’t matter though; "Sons Of The Light", although less than two minutes long, leaves one with a sense of having been on a trip through the cosmos… and when it fades away, a nagging urge to do it all over again.