“Rock Stars”
by Sky Sunlight Saxon and Flights
2006 song
The downtempo and melodramatic "Rock Stars" is a unique song from Sky Sunlight Saxon and Flights’ 2006 CD Tyrants In The House. Over Ken Dembinski’s arpeggio guitar chords and his endlessly soloing lead (he also recorded the percussion) Sky sings of “father rock stars” and “mother rock stars”, in some sort of aching and emotional lament that is as affecting as it is vague.
Sky also fits in some repeated references to Yo Ho Wha and Family, something he hadn’t been doing as much of at the time. He also pleads for a stop to war, a lyrical focus that he was indeed frequently partial to in his latter years. Distinguished by its sad guitar bends, "Rock Stars" plumbs depths of worry for humanity like few other Sky Saxon-related pieces.