“Just Imagine”
by Sky Sunlight Saxon Dragonslayers SSS
1989 song
Imbued as it is with a more-restrained yet grander ambience than the heavy riff chaos elsewhere on Just Imagine, the song "Just Imagine" is a chance for Sky Sunlight Saxon Dragonslayers SSS to explore a more haunting landscape. They poke around a netherworld that sounds daunting at first but, thanks to Sky Saxon’s hopeful lyrics, starts to sound positively inviting.
Mars Bonfire is the star of "Just Imagine" for it’s his keyboard figures that paint the colors and define the song’s limits. Second in command is Paul Schofield on drums; the steadiness of his beats – and the way they’re mixed to pop out at you – lift the performance up to a greater majesty.
Gripping the microphone intensely, Sky Saxon implores you to envision a world without war, a “Sgt. Pepper world” as he puts it. Just Imagine if “Martin Luther King was alive and well, JFK was here today!” he cries, allowing himself to become increasingly stirred up by his utopian pontifications. "Just Imagine" is quite a change from, say, the hopeless death scenarios just forecast on Side 1 of Masters Of Psychedelia. What a change five years can make.